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In this training session, we will look at the various Level 2 FTE reports in the data collector. We will look at how they are generated for traditional districts, JVSDs, ESCs, community schools and STEM schools. We will look at the student annualized full-time equivalent enrollment (FTE) figures. Also we will look at how this EMIS data is used from other local education agencies (LEAs) in the school receiving the report. And, we will look at the adjustment reports. It is important to remember that you look at the whole report and not the fatal or critical errors.
This presentation will focus on troubleshooting the FTE Reports in order to resolve data reporting issues and verify data for accuracy and completeness. This session is designed to be conducted as a workshop so districts will be looking at their own data. You will need to have access to your FTE reports and a copy of the updated FTE Detail Report Explanations from ODE.
Registration Deadline: April 12, 2023 4:00 pm
Sherry Halliburton
Apr 13, 2023
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM